Berryville Hamfest 2023

It’s a wrap! And it was a great hamfest. Weather was perfect and attendees were clearly in the mood to get out and find some great gear. Besides some new vendors, the Berryville Hamfest featured a new program called TechTalk all morning — short learning sessions for novices and experience hams alike. Topics included: getting your first license, operating QRP, ham and astronomy, lightning and your home, and a dramatic demo of Scott KE4WMF’s VW Rover.

There was a truly impressive showing of SVARC club members who came both days to set up, manage, and clean up. Thank you, each and every one.

John WD4GEK was the first to get his pictures out so you don’t have to wait to get a taste for the great day we had. To check out his album CLICK HERE.