The Shenandoah Valley Amateur Radio Club (SVARC) was chartered in 1948 as a non- profit club dedicated to the advancement and enjoyment of amateur radio. The SVARC promotes goodwill and fellowship among amateur radio operators in the northern Shenandoah Valley. Amateur Radio has something for everyone. Some people are interested in local and worldwide communications and others in emergency communications or the technical aspects of radio electronics or antennas.

Emergency Service

Amateur Radio operators offer important help with communications during emergencies. Many Club members have joined the Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) which operates under the ARRL (The American Radio Relay League). The SVARC is an ARRL Special Service Club. The ARRL website has more information about Amateur Radio and how to become a Ham: (http://www.arrl.org/).


COVID NOTICE: Since many recent meetings have been virtual, always check the club’s website before coming to the clubhouse. Club members will receive the Zoom link by email. If you are not a club member and wish to attend a Zoom meeting as a guest, let us know through our contact page.

The Club holds regular meetings at 7:30 PM on the first and third Thursdays of each month at the Clubhouse. The Clubhouse is located at 2921 Grace Street, in Winchester, VA. Visitors are welcome.  

The Clubhouse also contains the Club station, W4RKC. This call sign is used each year at Field Day in June. The Club operates two W4RKC repeaters: 146.820 (-) and PL 146.2) and 448.775(-) (MHz). The Club Net meets each Tuesday night at 7:00 PM on the 146.820 repeater.

Education and Service

For many years, the Club has held classes for beginners as well as those wishing to upgrade. The SVARC provides Volunteer Radio License Exams for obtaining a new FCC license or upgrading a license. These VE exams are given in the Clubhouse at 1 PM, usually the second Sunday of the month (except May and August).

The Club regularly provides communications for public service events such as the Loudon Street Mile, and the Massanutten Mountain Trails 100-mile run. We also support Scouting’s annual Jamboree-on-the-Air (JOTA) event.


The SVARC has established a $1000 scholarship for applicants working toward a degree in a science, math, engineering, or technology field at an accredited 2- or 4- year college or university. Administered by ARRL: http://www.arrl.org/scholarship-program.

Major Events

The biggest Club event of the year is our famous Annual Berryville Hamfest on the first Sunday in August at the Clarke County Ruritan Fairgrounds in Berryville, VA. The Berryville Hamfest is several decades old and attracts hams and computer/electronics buffs from the Mid-Atlantic region and beyond to enjoy displays and offerings by inside vendors and hundreds of tailgaters. 

Until the COVID-19 pandemic, the Club held three social events each year: the shrimp dinner each spring, the Club picnic each fall, and the annual Christmas party in December.

Join us

The yearly dues currently are $24.00. A membership application form can be found on the Club website: http://www.svarc.us/ (About Us > Join Us). This website also gives more up-to-date information about events, officers, and pictures from recent activities.

The Club mailing address is:
The Shenandoah Valley Amateur Radio Club, P.O. Box 2273, Winchester, VA 22604